Friday, October 9, 2009


I was so damn tired today that I slept in the car all the way to Bangsar.Then I dozed off I the cushion of my uncle's house(embarassing!)without bothering all the people there.After an hour or two, I got ready and went to a temple.My family is organising a prayer which is a once in a blue moon opportunity.Unfortunately, as the Deepavali festival is next week, all the cook were busy doing their own stuffs.So my family and I had to go to the temple and just cut all the vegetables and the cook will cook the food tomorrow.They were just sooo many vegetables and I've never cut any vegetables before this.NEVER!(mum always calls me "Lazy pig:S")I must cut the onions with my aunt.WHY ONIONS?It made my eyes water terribly as there were just too many of them.The smell of the onions never made things better(I HATE ONIONS!so my mum will blend them and add it in our food).After crying with the onions, I peeled off the potatoes' skin and trust me it was very hard.So, I'm glad I did my part well(at least in my personal record,k?)

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