Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Balik kampung...o..o..o..balik kampung

The journey home was long, but I returned with so much more.
The sound of coconutsbroken amidst brotherly banther.
The clanging of pots in the kitchen.
The warm whiff of pati's thosai.Amma fed me a piece,
and I beamed like I was 5 again.
Soon after, my own cousin asked:
"Akka, can we come to pati's house more?"
I smiled and told him : "I was thinking the same too".

-I don't have a kampung to visit because my gramdmother is living with me.
But for those who have one, do not hesitate to go to your village as it will mean a fortune to your old folks!

Cheers, save journey!

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