Monday, November 30, 2009


Edward kisses Bella on her 18th birthday.

Alice with Bella's birthday present.

Bella's birthhday party turned into a disaster as she had a paper cut and Jasper wanted to
attack her.

Edward is breaking the news that he and his family are leaving Forks.

Sam finds Bella in the woods.

Bella is devastated as Edward is gone.

Jacob is glad to meet Bella Swan.

Bella is chatting with Jacob Black.

Bella feels awkward as both the guys are waiting for her to break down and

takes their hands.

Laurent wants to kill Bella.

Jacob asks Bella to go back home and not to disturb him anymore.

Edward is sleeping soundly...aww so cute

Jacob goes to Bella's house to explain why he's been acting weirdly.

Jacob saves Bella as she tries to be reckless by jumping off a cliff just to hear

Edward's voice.

Eye contact!@.@

Jacob almost kissed Bella.

Jacob wanted to kiss Bella but the phone rang.

St.Marcus Day's celebration.

Edward wants to reveal his identity to provoke the Volturi as he doesn't want to live
in this world without Bella.

She seriously runs through it to stop Edward.

There she goes!

Bella runs into Edward before he does anything that will make the Volturi angry.

o.O...and they kissed

and kissed passionately...awww

Jane bringing Edward, Bella and Alice to meet the Volturi.

Alice is held so that she does not go to Edward's aid.

The vampire is angry because Edward told something when Aro wanted to kill Bella.

Jacob wants to talk to Bella and Edward will thank Jake for taking care of Bella

The Volturi Coven

Sunday, November 29, 2009

In the memories of Sree Kumaresh Mohan...

To Sree Kumaresh, a Sabian, a dreamer, a dancer and a memory forever...

You might be gone,
Your scent is fading,
Life seems unfair,
So its no use waiting.
The reality is,
you're gone for good,
but you still LIVED,
more than some of us could,
I might know you for just a while now,
One on one,
But I knew of you,
And those memories are and will always be fun,
So tonight I pledge to all of my friends,
Lets raise a glass and toast to him,
A boy that brought smiles to our hearts,
He will always be remembered,
Even though he's gone.

-By Priya-

I dont really know what to write but I wanted to remember him as he is the 1st loss in my life.I may not know him that much but the second I heard the news I was in tears.The whole week even until now I'm sad because this news was very shocking as I only saw you that Friday jumping happily to go home.This year was a great years for you because you became famous for your Michael Jackson dance and you're a prefect.But what to do?God loves you so much that he want you back sos soon!

Last day of school

Sorry!It has been a while since I posted anything.The last day of school...wat can I say?Many things happened.I had my Seni exam and then my friends(Kai Wen and Yuvenesh) and I went
to Times Square with Kangyi and his buds, Dexz and Ab Dan.I, Uv and Kai Wen went there with Uv's Serena.Luckily, the boys decided to go to the arcade(Kangyi didnt join Dexz and Ab Dan because he was wearing uniform)and I, Uv and Kai Wen bought the tickets.Kai Wen and Uv decided to LET ME DO THE TALKING!(they say I was good at doing this kind of stuffs).There was an Indian guy in the counter and I told him I need six tickets for the movie 2012 at 3.20p.m.Why were we lucky?Well, tickets for student was RM 7 and adults RM 11.The guy in the counter,Pakiaraj said he only gives student price for the three of us as the boys weren't there.Then, he said only the 1st and 2nd row seats are available.(=,=')After that, we went to Mcd and Kai Wen was praying that the three boys won't sit with us but urgh...they did!

Next, we headded towards Boarders.I, Kai Wen, Uv and Kangyi looked through the books.Then, we girls choose a New Moon magazine and sat at a good spot and "discussed" the movie and story.Kangyi just strolled around.We even found a book called 'Does ants have assholes?'.After that, we met Pakiaraj twice(he was messing with us).The movie was nice.At one part I almost cried but the guys were so...annoying that I tied my best to hold back my tears.At the end, we just walked around TS and I was crappy.I think I made Uv and Kai Wen angry as I really needed to go home.All in all, it was fun!

P.S:My mother thought it was my class party and she called Yuvenesh's mum to ask her where
is Kalpana as I was late.She told Uv's mum that I went to class party with Pn.Halimaton and
her mum was like"No.They went to TS....".Haih...miscommunications membawa padah as it
looked like I lied to my mum!=(